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Photographs of different periods in the career of Luciano Alves. Click on the pictures for an expanded view. To access other photo galleries, click on the figures below. To move forward, back or return to the first page of the gallery, click on the button on the top of the page.



Clique para ampliar / Cick to zoom
Clique para ampliar / Cick to zoom
Clique para ampliar / Cick to zoom
Clique para ampliar / Cick to zoom
Clique para ampliar / Cick to zoom
Clique para ampliar / Cick to zoom
Clique para ampliar / Cick to zoom
Clique para ampliar / Cick to zoom
Clique para ampliar / Cick to zoom
Clique para ampliar / Cick to zoom

These materials came from many different sources. We thank the professional and amateur photographers for their cooperation in allowing their photos to be included in this section. If there are any constraints involved or inaccurate information, please contact us.

© Luciano Alves 1996-2001
website designed by Poranduba S/C